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Etherpad Lite is a real-time collaborative text editor which allows multiple users to simultaneously fiddle with a document. Everyone can see everyone else’s changes in real time, which is really cool. The “lite” tag after the name is there because the Etherpad Lite project was spawned from the ashes of the original Etherpad project, which itself was snapped up by Google and transformed into the ill-fated Google Wave. Wave was never really all that popular and has since been killed, but the core idea is still totally cool—to present a document to more than one user and have all users be able to make changes to it, and to have those changes shown to all other users as they’re made. It’s a surprisingly complex problem to solve. For one thing, it’s entirely possible that more than one user can change the same thing at the same time; there has to be a way of telling who “wins” and whose changes are tossed out. Even more complex is figuring out a way to track all the changes and organize them, and then display them for everyone.
The original Etherpad project solved this with a full mix of heavy web technologies, requiring you to install Java, Scala, and MySQL; it utilized no small amount of server resources and was difficult to scale. Etherpad Lite jettisons a lot of its predecessor’s bulk and does things in a much more web two-point-oh fashion. Specifically, Etherpad Lite runs on Node.js, a server-side Javascript engine which can be used for lots and lots of fancy things—Node is really deserving of its own blog entry, and we’re using only a tiny subset of its features here. Etherpad Lite also needs a database to hold the documents and store changes; out of the box it can use MySQL, but in this post we’re going to take things even further and configure it to run on Redis, an extremely fast memory-based key-value store. Finally, we’ll do a tiny bit of hacking on Etherpad’s HTML to force it to display a list of all the “pads” (documents) currently in its database.